CDEP Angelica E. Rodriguez
Dental Surgeon Specialist in Periodontics & Implants
- Specialty in periodontics & implants at Universidad Autonoma de Baja California
- “The 11th International Symposium on Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry”. Boston, Massachusetts.
- “Essences of Anterior Implant Esthetics: The Perio-Restorative Interface”. Loma Linda University.
- Seminary in Advanced Periodontal Surgical Techniques at Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuator.
- Intership in Faculty of Periodoncits at Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuator.
- Training course in Vertical Ridge Augmentation.
- ”Peri-implantar aesthetic inmersion” trainging course.
“Aesthetic is the final expression of the biological, functional, and structural integration of the different components of the masticatory apparatus.”
-Peter Dowson