CDEO David Ramirez Orendain
Dental Surgeon Specialist in Orthodontics & Maxillary Orthopedics
- Specialty in Orthodontics & Maxilary Orthopedics at Universodad Autonoma de Mexico.
- Teacher in Universidad autónoma de baja California Mexicali Campus.
- “American Association of Orthodontics congress” Philadelphia, PA.
- International congress of self-ligating Damon Forum Sistem, Mexico DF.
- XXIV Nacional & International posgraduated and investigation congress Cancún, Qro.
- “American Association of Orthodontics congress” Chicago, IL.
- Dentistry International Congress UNAM-AMIC, México, DF.
“Aesthetic is the final expression of the biological, functional, and structural integration of the different components of the masticatory apparatus.”
-Peter Dowson